Spiritual Counsel and Mentoring

My business name is Paranormal Therapy. I chose this name as it is my intention that my clients may have experiences that are facilitated by the Divine guidance of angels, the Holy Spirit, and ascended masters in bringing about a healing, beneficial, calming, and, hopefully, enjoyable experience! I am not a licensed therapist. I define the term “spiritual counsel and mentoring” to mean: I am guided by the angels, the Holy Spirit, and ascended masters in providing guidance, direction, suggestions, encouragement, and support for my clients.


I have been called to do spiritual counseling/mentoring with my clients. I participated in and learned a process called Fear to Faith© by Dr. Marcia Sutton. Fear to Faith is an inner guided meditative process that identifies limiting false beliefs and their origin. This inner process is deep work that allows you to have awareness about hidden limiting beliefs that control us. If you do not have awareness of underlying beliefs, you are not able to identify and release those limiting beliefs and they will continue to run your life. I have personally done this process and will continue to do this work. I have not found anything that works so profoundly, deeply, and quickly to release limiting beliefs and facilitate healing. I have participated in talk therapy; this process moves through and heals deep seated issues that talk therapy did not. I have nothing against talk therapy.  What I have witnessed for myself and my clients is the spiritual nature of this work is miraculous in the change that is brought about so deeply and quickly. Not that speed is the important factor but I believe we are in an accelerated time of healing and our healing does not require years to move through issues. What I love about this work is the angels and masters come in to guide and support this work helping to facilitate miraculous, profound healing.


I also use Radical Forgiveness© with my clients. Collin Tipping is the author and creator of the book and worksheets Radical Forgiveness. The idea behind Radical Forgiveness is that we create circumstances for our soul’s evolution and growth. With this premise we take blame out of relationships and look at our part in creating the relationships and circumstances in our life. It is “radical” I know but having done this work myself and participated in a workshop with Collin Tipping, the work is profound and life changing.



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